Supporting Your Partner After Sexual Violence

Finding out that your partner has experienced sexual violence is a difficult reality to face. A myriad of emotions may flood you from shock, rage, despair, and helplessness. It can be hard to handle all of those feelings, especially when you feel the pressure of being your partner’s “rock.” After all, they are the ones who experienced this violence directly. However, it is important to understand: this affects you  too. It’s okay to have your own needs and emotions about it. In fact, there is a term for loved ones who are  supporting a survivor of sexual assault: secondary survivors.

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Everything you need to know about the 5 Erotic Blueprints this Valentines Day

In relationships, committed love and erotic desire are two very different things. If you ask your partner what committed love is, they could give you an answer. But, if asked what erotic desire is, what would they say? As therapists, we often see couples who have neglected the eroticism in their relationships, redirecting it or shutting it down altogether. We are given many models of committed love in our lives, but when looking for that “spark” to heat things up we often miss the mark.

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10 Romantic Winter Dates for couples in the Triangle

The winter months can be a stressful time with the holidays, end of year wrap ups at work and school, and just generally being cooped up inside more. During this high stress period, it’s even more important to be conscious about spending some quality time with your partner. Below, you’ll find a list of 10 date ideas that embrace this time of year and promote connection with your special someone. Whether you like to stay home and warm or would rather have a little adventure, these are sure to create lasting memories together!

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The importance of mindfulness during the Holiday season

On top of your already busy life, you have holiday-related tasks to attend to. Thus, leaving you with so much to do and so little time to do it.

You may have noticed your stress level rising. You may have also become irritable, and you’re snapping at the people around you. Or, you’ve lost sleep worrying about everything that has to get done before the holidays arrive.

Regardless, you’re overwhelmed and are pushed to your limit. You need to do something fast to offset your holiday stress.

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Four Simple Tips for Newlyweds

Now that you’ve tied the knot, are you feeling curious about what the first year of marriage will be like? During this time, you and your spouse will be setting the foundation for the coming years of your life together. We recommend you take this time to properly blend your individual lifestyles together and learn how to live and navigate life as a cohesive team.

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How to support your partner while embarking on the Breast Cancer Journey

In a partnership, there are always phases a couple might go through depending on their upbringings, experiences, relationship, and other factors. This October, we have Breast Cancer Awareness month, which is something to be celebrated. Many women develop breast cancer and the journey of physical illness is a tornado that many couples have to experience. In this blog article, we are sharing our top tips on how to best support your partner while embarking on their breast cancer journey.

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Guest UserComment
Improve Confidence in Your Relationship

Are you interested in learning how to improve confidence in your relationship? In this blog post, we’re sharing some of our top tips to help you improve your confidence and feeling of stability in your relationship. Read this blog article to learn more!

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Guest User
8 Tips For Co-Parenting

Whether you have recently become a parent or have been a parent for quite some time, sharing the responsibility of parenting your child with your significant other can be a big responsibility in itself. In this blog post, we’re sharing 8 of our top tips to help you co-parent more effectively.

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Why the Little Things Matter

Sometimes, the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.” —Winnie the Pooh

This is where we can set ourselves apart from others and this day; by doing the little things every day to make our partner feel what we aspire them to feel on Valentine’s Day. It’s the small things done often that make the biggest impact in our relationships. When I say ‘the little things,’ I truly mean the little things.

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New Years Relationship Resolutions

Are you the type to set New Years Resolutions? Or, do you avoid them knowing that you’re unlikely to follow through? I always make loose new year’s resolutions. They help me achieve personal and/or professional growth.

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Carole Cullen
The Importance of Mindfulness During the Holiday Season

Holidays Are Notorious for Being Stressful. On top of your already busy life, you have holiday-related tasks to attend to. Thus, leaving you with so much to do and so little time to do it.

You may have noticed your stress level rising. You may have also become irritable, and you’re snapping at the people around you. Or, you’ve lost sleep worrying about everything that has to get done before the holidays arrive.

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Carole Cullen, LMFT
Rebuilding Trust After an Affair

You just found out your partner cheated on you. Now what? Do you leave? Do you give your parent a second chance? Can trust even be rebuilt?

Trust is the foundation to a healthy relationship, so what do you do when that foundation has been destroyed?

Rebuilding trust after an affair is hard and painful, but it is possible.

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Managing Family Stress Around Holidays

You may find parts of this season thrilling and enjoyable. Yet, there’s a part of you that dreads the stress, hustle, and bustle that holiday festivities bring. If left unchecked, it’s easy to let holiday stress overwhelm you with anxiety. Thus, keeping you from enjoying the most wonderful time of the year.

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Carole Cullen