Making Time for your Mental Health in the New Year

The start of a new year signals the chance to create a clean slate. A chance to reflect, take stock, and make changes that will help us become the best versions of ourselves. Sounds good, right?

So why are resolutions so hard to keep? One recent survey showed that only about 10% of people who make resolutions still stick with them. 🤨

We often set ourselves up for failure by setting goals that are vague and unrealistic. Or, we have major influences based the on expectations of others. And when we do ‘fail,’ we’re left feeling guilty and disappointed.

Resolutions can be a great catalyst for change. So how can we set ourselves up for success and ensure that we take care of ourselves in the new year?

A background of new years confetti, a Jan 01 calendar, and balloons. Online marriage counseling in North Carolina can help improve your relationship in 2022. Contact a  licensed family and marriage therapist in Wake Forest, NC today. 27587 | 27588

By focusing on small positive changes, you can help cultivate positivity and improve your mental health.

Here are some new year’s resolution ideas that focus on your mental health:

Limit your time on social media.

2022 may be the year to unplug. It’s no surprise that we have been spending a lot more time on social media this past year than ever before. Research has shown that social media can have negative impacts on our mental health. So, it might be worth limiting time on apps or even cutting them out of your life completely in 2022. In fact, growing research shows a negative correlation between screen time and psychological well-being.

So, try taking a step back from your social media accounts. See how it impacts your mood and stress levels. You might find that you’re much happier (and not missing out) not being constantly connected. Plus, you may even find that you have more time to dedicate to the things and people that bring you joy.

Go to bed earlier.

Getting an earlier night will help you feel rested the following day. This is more beneficial to your mental health since less sleep can heighten anxiety and irritability. Try turning off your phone an hour before bedtime and not watching anything on Netflix. Instead, use this hour to relax in your bed, read a book, or stretch without any distractions.

Move your body. 

You don’t have to sign up for a marathon or even join the gym. But, engaging in some form of exercise every day can help. A short walk, yoga, or a barre class can go a long way in keeping your mental and physical health in tip-top shape. The thing that makes this different from the classic, “I want to lose five pounds” resolution is that you’re focused on the action, not the outcome. Changing your intention can be very helpful when making a movement-oriented resolution.

Nourish friendships. 

Being around other people is critical for your health. Make time this year to connect with others. Deepen relationships with those in your life that inspire you and nurture your soul.

Seek help.

If you’re struggling with your mental health, ask for help. Don’t feel embarrassed about asking for help. Mental illness can be lonely and overwhelming and it can be hard to cope with it on your own. A therapist can also offer support with your relationship as well.

A person sits on a rock while watching the sun rise above the clouds. This could represent taking time for mindfulness. Search "online therapy nc" or contact an EMDR therapist in Wake Forest, NC to learn more about online marriage counseling in NC.

Practice gratitude. 

Practicing gratitude is one of the quickest and most effective ways to increase happiness, manage depression, and cultivate resilience. All it takes is jotting down or mentally acknowledging a few things you’re grateful for every day.

When setting resolutions, it’s important to take time to reflect. Think about the change you wish to see and what you realistically can do to achieve that change. By taking smaller steps towards your goals, there is a greater chance you will keep them.

Begin Working with A Licensed Family and Marriage Therapist in Wake Forest, NC

Our caring therapists are ready to support you from our Wake Forest, NC-based therapy practice. Together, we can work through what is affecting you and your partner. If you’re ready to start, follow these simple steps:

  1. Learn more about online therapy with My-Therapist.

  2. Meet with one of our caring therapists.

  3. Start your Telehealth therapy journey!

Other Services Offered At My Therapist NC

Marriage counseling isn't the only service offered at our Wake Forest, NC-based practice. Other services include online therapy, family therapy, individual therapy for relationship issues, couples workshops, and couples intensive therapy. We also offer support through foundations of lasting love and AAMFT supervision. Read our blog to learn more about us and our services!