Posts tagged couples
Mindful Love: Bringing Mindfulness into Your Relationship

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it's easy for couples to find themselves caught up in the chaos, inadvertently neglecting the very foundation of their relationship. The demands of work, family, and daily responsibilities can create stress and tension that, if left unaddressed, may erode the emotional connection between partners. However, there's a powerful tool that can help couples navigate these challenges and cultivate a deeper, more meaningful connection: mindfulness.

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Goal Setting for Your Relationship Going Into a New Year

We’re delivering this blog to you from our friends and colleagues over at Marble Wellness. Their team has some tips and tricks to share with our audience and we love to spread helpful tips as much as possible.

As a licensed therapist, I've seen how setting goals in relationships can have a profoundly positive impact. Just as we set personal resolutions at the dawn of a new year, it's equally important to set intentions for our relationships. 

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Nurturing Relationships: The Transformative Power of Couples Therapy

In a world filled with constant change and evolving dynamics, maintaining a healthy and fulfilling relationship can be a challenging endeavor. Couples often find themselves grappling with communication issues, unresolved conflicts, and the stresses of everyday life. This is where couples therapy emerges as a powerful tool, offering a safe space for partners to explore, understand, and enhance their connection.

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Navigating the Holidays with Grace

As the festive season unfolds, the air is filled with the promise of joy, togetherness, and the creation of lasting memories. The holidays offer a unique opportunity to connect with loved ones and forge bonds that withstand the test of time. However, amid the glittering lights and heartwarming festivities, challenges may also arise. Navigating difficult situations during the holidays requires a delicate touch and a commitment to creating positive and enduring memories.

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The Power of Self-Compassion: A Key Ingredient for Being a Good Partner

In the realm of relationships, we often focus on how we can be good partners to our loved ones. However, an important but often overlooked aspect of being a good partner is cultivating self-compassion. Self-compassion involves treating ourselves with kindness, understanding, and acceptance, especially in times of struggle or failure.

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Navigating the Empty Nest

As a parent, watching your children leave for college can be both exciting and emotional. It’s a time of transition that marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. While you’re proud of your children and excited for their new journey, you may also feel anxious about your own transition into an empty nest. Preparing for this change can be challenging, but there are steps you can take to make the transition as smooth as possible.

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Supporting Your Partner After Sexual Violence

Finding out that your partner has experienced sexual violence is a difficult reality to face. A myriad of emotions may flood you from shock, rage, despair, and helplessness. It can be hard to handle all of those feelings, especially when you feel the pressure of being your partner’s “rock.” After all, they are the ones who experienced this violence directly. However, it is important to understand: this affects you  too. It’s okay to have your own needs and emotions about it. In fact, there is a term for loved ones who are  supporting a survivor of sexual assault: secondary survivors.

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Everything you need to know about the 5 Erotic Blueprints this Valentines Day

In relationships, committed love and erotic desire are two very different things. If you ask your partner what committed love is, they could give you an answer. But, if asked what erotic desire is, what would they say? As therapists, we often see couples who have neglected the eroticism in their relationships, redirecting it or shutting it down altogether. We are given many models of committed love in our lives, but when looking for that “spark” to heat things up we often miss the mark.

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How Gottman Couples Therapy Can Affair Proof Your Marriage?

The revelatory Science of Adult Attachment explores early development dynamics, which suggest that your marital relationship is the first child of your partnership and, when suspicions of infidelity arise, it can be a sign that your shared ward has given rise to an unspoken, inarticulate cry of abandonment. The Sound Relationship House Theory, developed by Drs. John and Julie Gottman, provides deep insights into the nine common factors that can either lead to an affair or point to one in progress.

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Dating After Break-up: How to Survive (And Thrive) When You Start Dating Again

You’ve experienced the exhilarating highs of a relationship and the unimaginable lows of its end, but did you know you can thrive in the aftermath? It’s true! You can. With time and focused effort, you can not only survive, you can also thrive in 2021 when you start dating again after a break up or divorce.

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Spot the Difference: Lust vs. Love

When you first meet someone and feel a physical attraction to them, it can be easy to start reading more into what you feel than is really there. The initial phase of attraction is where you can find no fault in the other person. You focus on how they look, how the brush of their hand makes you feel, or when you think of them it is to fantasize about a physical relationship but not anything deeper.

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How Can I Forgive You After Betrayal?

Cheating, infidelity, emotional affairs – big betrayals are extremely hurtful and traumatic for any relationship. And while a break-up or divorce is inevitable for some couples, there may be hope for other couples willing to put the past behind them and move forward. Here is a look at six steps both couples can take to successfully reach a place of forgiveness after a betrayal.

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