Improve Confidence in Your Relationship

A couple smile while posing for a selfie. An online therapist in Wake Forest, NC can offer support for your relationship. Learn more about online couples therapy in North Carolina and other services like relationship counseling for singles.

Confidence first starts with you.

Most people are told at some point in their lives how important it is to have confidence; confidence in yourself, your relationships, and overall life. However, the reality is that feeling assured in all aspects of your life every day is hard to maintain, especially in relationships.

Whether your past influences your self-esteem in your relationship or the present, it can feel like you will never get security. Not only that, but constantly questioning your significance to your partner can get very exhausting. So, this article will provide some ways to help you improve your feeling of stability in your relationship.

Stay honest

Honesty is always important, in any relationship, but especially in one with your significant other. In your relationship with one another, it is recommended to take time to be intentional about your relationship and to set goals to ensure you are working together as a team. Being open and honest to one another about what you want in your relationship will always help you grow closer and stronger and help stray you away from having any confusion in your relationship. When there is openness and honesty, you and your significant other will be able to increase the strength of your relationship and stay confident in that strength. 

Open Up and Embrace Vulnerability

A couple hold hands while walking with one another on a sunny day. An online therapist in North Carolina can offer support in improving your relationship. Learn more about online couples therapy in North Carolina and other services.

As always, to improve confidence, there are many factors that go into it including honesty and trust. In order to uphold confidence in your relationship, having a stable communication stream is necessary. 

Communication is vital for your relationship, especially for one that is headed towards success. With honest communication, you will build an extreme amount of trust and connection with one another.

There are so many different ways to communicate with one another from body language, texting, phone calls, physical affection, and more.

A great tool to learn more about love languages, which is very useful to get to know one another on a deeper and more intimate level, is The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate by Gary Chapman.  Another great communication tool to build trust and increase confidence in your relationship is couple’s therapy. Couples come to us for couple’s therapy to help with a myriad of things including poor communication, lack of trust, sexual and intimacy issues, mental health issues, and more. 

With couple’s therapy, we have learned that there are so many issues that do arise in relationships and it’s okay to need outside help or support. Connecting with a therapist that you both get along with can be the first step to working through any issues to increase strength and confidence in your relationship. Because we offer therapy to couples on a consistent basis, we have found one issue that many people always need help with and should have open communication about is sexual intimacy. Intimacy is a language within itself and being open about this with one another regarding your relationship will be beneficial on both sides. 

Have discussions about sexual intimacy

If you’re serious about increasing confidence in your relationship, you can’t neglect specific topics just because they are uncomfortable to address. While highlighting why you lack confidence in aspects of your sex life can feel daunting at the time, it can help strengthen your physical and emotional bond with your partner by promoting trust. There are a number of reasons you may feel insecure about intimacy. Maybe you experience sexual difficulties or have anxiety about parts of your body.

Gain confidence in those areas by practicing self-affirmations every morning.

Self-affirmations can help you realize that your body is beautiful and that there’s no reason to feel insecure during sex with someone who cares about you. In terms of sexual difficulties, men and women have many options if you adequately address them. From supplements for premature ejaculation to libido pills for women, it’s just a matter of finding what’s best for you. Therapy is another noteworthy option for sexual dysfunctions that are trauma-related.

Leave past experiences behind

Whether good or bad, your past experiences are what shape you into the person you are today. How you choose to let them shape you is up to you. Everyone gets over past situations differently, so be kind to yourself. However, you don’t want to let things that happened prior negatively influence the positive things occurring in your life now, like your relationship.

Your current relationship isn’t your old one, and your new partner isn’t the previous person. Unless your significant other does something to betray your trust, don’t let past trauma cause you to doubt them. You deserve happiness, so don’t be afraid to believe in the good in your life.

Improve self-confidence

Before you can have full confidence in your relationship, you need to have confidence in yourself. Without it, insecurities can invade your thoughts and inadvertently alter how you view your relationship. Instead of feeling secure, you overthink things and question yourself. Lack of self-esteem can cause a rift between you and your significant other due to the need for constant validation.

Knowing your worth and having high self-esteem outside your relationship will help you. There’s security in knowing that you’re an awesome person and that your partner wouldn’t be with you if that weren’t the case. Not only that, but trust yourself. Trust that you choose a partner that values you as much as you value them. Focus on the positive, and leave the negative behind.

A close-up of a couple about to hold hands against the lights of a city att night. Contact an online therapist in Wake Forest, NC to learn more about online couples therapy in North Carolina. Search relationship counseling for sinlges in Roleville to

All in all, building confidence in yourself and in your relationship with your significant other can be a process, but it can be tackled with ease by taking the simple steps to do so.

Embracing the hard topics within your relationship and opening yourself up to one another through honesty, vulnerability, and intimacy can create a new level of trust that will automatically build up your confidence levels! Do you have any tips on how you like to create new layers of confidence in your relationship? Comment and let us know below. 

Begin Working With An Online Therapist in Wake Forest, NC

Developing more self-confidence is a much easier process said than done. Our team of caring therapists has experience supporting clients across the state in improving their relationships. We are happy to offer support from our Wake Forest, NC-based therapy practice. To start your therapy practice, please follow these simple steps:

  1. Learn more about co-parenting counseling with My-Therapist.

  2. Meet with one of our caring therapists.

  3. Start supporting your relationship from the comfort of home!

Other Services Offered With My-Therapist

Our team is happy to offer a variety of services in support of your mental health across the state. We are happy to offer couples therapy, online therapy, family therapy, individual therapy for relationship issues, couples workshops, and couples intensive therapy. We also offer support through foundations of lasting love, co-parenting counseling, and AAMFT supervision. Read our blog to learn more about us and our services!

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