Posts in Couples
The Importance of Asking "How Was Your Day?"

Modern life is incredibly busy, and between balancing job needs, family needs, and individual needs, it can often be difficult to remember to make time for our partners.

In fact, it can be quite easy to start taking them for granted. This change between them holding a key spot in our lives, to adopting more of a secondary role occurs so gradually that it’s hard to see it even happening.

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4 Simple Tips to Help You Balance Couple Time with Family Time

Having children can feel like a full-time job, and while it’s certainly true that your children will flourish under loving attention, other important aspects of your life can fall by the wayside.

According to research by Dr. John Gottman, the nation's top marriage expert, 67% of new parents experience a precipitous drop in couple satisfaction in the first three years of the baby’s life.

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Part 3: Three Essentials For A Long Lasting Love: Friendship, Intimacy, and Managing Conflict

The third essential for a long lasting love is managing conflict. Expecting conflict to be completely eliminated from your relationship is an unrealistic expectation. All relationships have conflict and conflict can actually be a good thing in a relationship. If couples can learn to find the deeper meaning and goals underneath conflict they can begin to understand their partner better and make your goals and dreams come true together.

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CouplesCarole Cullen