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Samantha Burcher, LMFTA

Raise your hand if you’ve ever:

  • Had an argument with a loved one and thought, “Well, that could’ve gone better.”

  • Suffered a loss or tragedy that turned your whole world upside down

  • Felt unsatisfied in your relationship or wondered, “Is this really what I want?”

  • Experienced guilt or shame because you didn’t show up as your best self for your partner or children

If you have your hand raised—first of all, same. Second of all, I’m glad you’re here because I can help.

I’m Samantha, and I’m a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist Associate. My areas of passion are couples communication, grief and loss, interpersonal conflict, divorce, and coparenting adjustment. These dark, shadowy areas of life that touch many, if not all, of us sometimes create “big T” or “little t” traumas in the process. It can feel isolating, lonely, and scary to walk along those paths in the dark. My goal is to provide some company—and some light—so no one has to walk those paths alone. If you’re willing to put your trust in me, we can get to the other side of that darkness together.

My approach is integrative and tailored to each client, couple, or family. I am trained and specialize in Gottman Couples Therapy, Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy and a certified Prepare/ENRICH facilitator. I have also received additional training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. As a marriage and family therapist, a systemic approach underpins all my work as we look at who you are in relation to others. Ultimately, I seek to identify your strengths and values and lean on those to help you create a life full of connection, authenticity, meaning, and peace.

Deciding to make the call (or click the link) to begin therapy can be difficult. By its very nature, it means confronting some of the hardest aspects of your life and signing up to tear down and rebuild the parts that no longer serve you. This feat of strength should be celebrated as an act of courage! I try my best to honor that courage and make the experience a little easier by offering an environment that is safe, empathetic, full of positive regard, and even a bit of humor (there’s no rule that says therapy has to be gloomy all the time).

Outside of my work at My-Therapist, I am a mom to a spirited little boy and entirely too many fur, scale, and plant babies. I love rainy weekends at home, snuggled up with books, coffee, crafts, and a tiny greenhouse full of succulents. On sunnier days, we also enjoy kayaking and paddle-boarding as a family on the area lakes.

If you’d like to work together, or if you’re not quite sure and would just like to chat for a quick (and free!) 15-minute consultation, please reach out! I look forward to getting to know you and beginning to walk together towards a brighter, more fulfilling future.

About Samantha Burcher:


Samantha is a certified Prepare-Enrich facilitator for premarital counseling.

Samantha has completed Gottman Level 2 Training.

Samantha has completed training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.


Samantha has completed EFT Externship