Family Therapy

A dysfunctional family of three sit across from a family therapist. They are at family counseling in wake forest, nc. My-Therapist offers marriage and family counseling in wake forest, nc, family therapy in Bunn, nc, and more.

Your home is not the peaceful place you want it to be. 

Family time has become a chore and is not enjoyable for anyone.

You and your spouse or ex fight all the time and your children feel like they have to pick sides. 

Everyone in your family feels overwhelmed and miserable.

When one person suffers, the family suffers

Family dynamics, like routines, are complicated, even under the best of circumstances. However, when complicated situations such as marital conflict, mental illness, life stress, or divorce enter the picture, tension can boil over causing the entire family to suffer. Maybe, you and your spouse are arguing a lot. Sometimes, your children witness your arguments. This leaves them feeling helpless. Younger children act out and have behavioral issues or become withdrawn. Older children may also have behavioral issues, get in trouble at school, or engage in risky behavior. Furthermore, they also get caught feeling like they have to pick sides. But, choosing between the two most important people in their life hurts and can be very uncomfortable. 

Perhaps, you just separated from or divorced your partner. Now, you’re trying to navigate single parenthood, rotating children from house-to-house, and managing behavioral challenges and mental health concerns. You want what’s best for your family. And, you know your they’re struggling to adapt to this major life transition and the emotions it has caused. 

Or, you’re getting re-married and creating a blended family. Now, you have to navigate the challenges of adding another parental figure to the mix, navigate challenging boundaries, and respect your ex’s wishes. You want to make this transition as seamless as possible for everyone involved.

Regardless of the situation, you know things have to change. You want your home to be a happy place where everyone can feel safe, loved, and respected. But, you’re not sure how to get there. You’re overwhelmed, stressed, angry, and miserable at home. 

Family Counseling Can Help

Counseling offers you a non-judgemental place to discuss your concerns with someone who can truly help you and your family achieve your goals. You don’t have to live in conflict. And, your children don’t either. We can help. 

At My-Therapist in Wake Forest, NC, we offer a range of services to support individuals and families in navigating various challenges.

Our specialized services include:

Whether you are experiencing conflicts between siblings, struggling with coparenting dynamics, adjusting to a blended family structure, going through a divorce, seeking guidance as a parent, or supporting a teenager through difficult times, our therapists are here to provide a neutral and supportive environment where you can explore your emotions, communication patterns, and relationships.

Signs Your Family Would Benefit From Family Counseling:

A family of five walk on a dirt trail through the forest. The two mothers have improved their relationship by seeing a licensed family and marriage therapist in Wake Forest, NC. My-Therapist offers marriage and family counseling in Wake Forest, NC. …
  • You’re tense when you’re home

  • Your children are acting out or withdrawing

  • There is increased fighting at home

  • You feel like you’re walking on eggshells around your family members

  • One or more family members are dealing with mental illness

  • Your extended family is causing conflict with you, your partner, or children

  • You feel hopeless, like leaving home is the only way you’ll get relief

  • You’re separated from your partner, but want to put your children first so they don’t get caught in the drama

  • You’re newly divorced and you want to learn to co-parent successfully

  • You’re creating a new blended family and want to do so with respect for your children, your current spouse, stepchildren, and your Ex.

At My-Therapist, we are committed to providing you and your loved ones a place for everyone to express their concerns. Our therapists strive to make sure that everyone’s voice is heard, no matter how small it may be. Feel free to learn more about family therapy here.

My-Therapist’s Approach to Family Counseling in Wake Forest, NC

We acknowledge how complicated family dynamics can be. Therefore, we start by assessing the situation that has brought you to counseling in the first place. To get a true understanding of the situation, we begin by giving the couple an assessment to determine their strengths and possible areas of improvement. Then, we get to know the family dynamic by bringing in all family members. If the family is large we may do it in small groups so we can truly figure out how each member interacts with each other. 

Laughing African American family play on the couch. The mother and father have never been happier after meeting with a family therapist in Youngsville, NC. My-Therapist offers family counseling in Wake Forest, NC, marriage and family counseling, and…

When the family is together we will discuss concerns, and also learn tips and strategies to bolster communication and improve the family dynamic. You will also discuss how to create healthy boundaries and manage times of conflict, as they will inevitably reappear at times. The goal of family counseling is not to eliminate all conflict altogether. It’s to teach you how to work through conflict respectfully and effectively. 

Online Family Therapy in North Carolina

Our therapists are skilled at working with clients rather we see them in-person or online via our secure telehealth platform. You and your family members may actually find that online therapy is easier because you don’t have to stress about getting all family members in the same place at the same time while navigating busy schedules. Furthermore, online therapy allows your therapist a unique look into how your family functions in your natural environment, your home. 

Begin Family Counseling in Wake Forest, NC or Online

If you are ready to move forward and improve your family dynamics, our Wake Forest counseling practice can help. Our caring therapists would be honored to work with you and your family to build a connection that can last a lifetime and benefit everyone. Follow these steps to begin therapy in Wake Forest:

  1. Contact My-Therapist

  2. Meet with a caring therapist

  3. Start creating lasting family connections today

Other Services Offered At My-Therapist

Family Therapy is not the only service our therapists in Wake Forest, NC offers.